Training Programs

The education of employees is very important to the long term success of a business. On Demand Solutions can work with you to write a custom, traditional written training or a custom, online based training for the processes of your business. We can create these trainings for entry level employees or for high level executives. We can also provide training on many different topics to help your team grow. Some of the topics we can provide are:


Employee Retention

Hiring and Training employees is EXPENSIVE. It is important that you can find the right people, train the right people, and retain the right people. In this we discuss strategies on how to find those people and put them in a position to be successful in your organization.


First Responder

Not only is First Responder Training a bi-annual requirement to be compliant with the OSHA standard, it is an important step to take in the long term health of a business’ employees. This training uses the curriculum of the American Heart Association and consists of CPR/AED, First Aid, and Bloodborne Pathogens training. Only CPR/AED Training is available upon request.


Harassment and Diversity

It is integral that all employees know how to interact with others. This is with each other, clients, and potential clients. If something inappropriate does happen, all employees must know how to act in the situation and who to report the issue to. This training also consists of protecting the “brand” of your business and teaching your employees of the importance of that “brand”.



This training will provide your Leadership with the skills that they need to properly interact with the employees that they work with. We will discuss how to properly assess performance, quantify that performance, and communicate that performance properly. Great performance is always easy to communicate, but poor performance can be a struggle.


OSHA – Construction

Annual OSHA Training is required for EVERY business in the Construction industry. This training consists of 9 topics that are required by OSHA and is 100% adapted to the needs of the business. If a business needs more than these 9 topics, On Demand Solutions has an extensive database of other OSHA and Safety topics.


OSHA – General Industry

Annual OSHA Training is required for every business with 10 or more employees. This training consists of 5 topics required by OSHA and is 100% customized to the business that the training is being done. If a business needs more than these 5 topics, On Demand Solutions has an extensive database of other OSHA and Safety topics.